The CableMaster 400/450 is the all-in-one tool for localizing cable faults in Data cables, Telephone cables and COAX cables. The large LCD shows multiple fault situations and gives a “Pass” or “Fail” indication where necessary. Suitable for all installers, telecommunications- and network engineer.
CableMaster 400 - Cable Tester
With Voice, Data and Video all being combined and mixed in most installations, it is good to find one solution for testing the complex wire environment that exists in today’s information and entertainment systems. A built in tone generator is useful for tracing faults and finding the termination ends of installed cable of all types.
Using the built-in remote and wiremapper sets, one user can identify up to 19 remote and wiremapper sets, one user can identify up to 19 remote cable and locations. Rugged and built for years of use, the CableMaster is the perfect solution for accurate and easy field testing results.
The CableMaster 450 can measure additionally the length of cables.
• Tests Voice (6 wire), Data (8 wire) and Video (coax)
• Tests and indicates pins with shorts, opens, reversals, miswires and split pairs
• Displays ‘Pass’ icon for correctly wired 6-pin telephone plus ‘Rev’ for reverse-pinned
• Easy to read, extra large 7-segments LCD screen with large icons
• Tone generator with selectable tone cadence and selectable pins carrying tone. Traces multiple cable runs with four usable tones to quickly distinguish between respective outlets.
• RJ (Voice & Data) master remote stores in bottom of case
• Map 19 locations at one time
• Low power consumption for long battery life
• Auto power-off