24 port unloaded flat panel for rear loading HDJ series of jacks and accessories. Includes rear management bar and straps. Occupies 1 rack unit of space, 1.75" x 19".
24 port unloaded flat panel for rear loading HDJ series of jacks and accessories. Includes rear management bar and straps. Occupies 1 rack unit of space, 1.75" x 19".
This product is not sold individually. You must select at least 1 quantity for this product.
• High density design: Maximizes use of rack/cabinet real estate.
• HDJ jacks and adapters mount quick, easily and securely: Speed of install and reliability.
• Rear management bar and straps included: Supports good cabling practices.
Norbain Holdings Ltd Trading as Dunasfern
Registered Address: Votec House, Hambridge Lane, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5TN , England
Company Registration No. 06248590 VAT Registration No. 927 2027 36
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